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The Divinity At Work In Humanity (DAWIH) aka Jubilee Christian Family is a multi-faceted ministry with the God-given mandate to make passionate and devoted disciples of Jesus Christ, who live the God kind of life on earth (Matthew 28:19-20, 1 Corinthians 9:19-23).
This we do by teaching and preaching the undiluted Word of God in the demonstration of the Spirit and of power. We have been commissioned to testify of Christ’s resurrection and we do this with a distinct touch of the supernatural. We make the gospel relevant to today, we believe that God’s Word is practicable and we communicate the truths of God’s Word in a simple way.
Foundation School & School of the Spirit as the names imply, are the schools where we shall be studying about the foundational doctrines of the Christian Faith and other doctrines that are mentioned in Scriptures. As well as teach all the basic precepts of the gospel and the alphabets of the spirit.
Foundation School Holds on Mondays and Thursdays of every Week School of the Spirit Review Classes holds once every quarter. Call the Church Office today or fill the form below and someone will get across to you immediately. Thank you!
Get Acquainted Weekend is an awesome opportunity for all new comers to Jubilee Christian Family to learn more about the ministry and what we stand for. It is an opportunity for you to ask questions you would like answers to. You may have just moved to this area either by reason of your new residence or job. Whatever the reason you decided to visit a JCF Church, we consider it wise of you to find out from us and have answers to questions such as:
Is this a church where my family will be regularly fed by God’s Word? This is the first question that needs to be asked. Not just are they faithful to the Word of God, but will this church preach and teach in such a way that my soul and the souls of my family will be nourished?.
Is this a church where I am convinced the care of my soul will be a priority? Does this church have real pastors/elders who see their primary task to be the spiritual care and oversight of the souls of the members?
Is this a church where my family will experience meaningful Christian fellowship and accountability? Is this a church where I can serve God’s people and use my gifts for its benefit? It will help to know where you are gifted and what some of the needs of the church are.
We believe that the only means of being cleansed from sin is repentance and faith in the precious blood of Jesus Christ. (Acts 3:19; Luke 24:47; Ephesians 1:7).
You should be able to know the answers to these questions and many more. So we encourage you to be at the Get Acquainted Weekend, which holds every first Saturday of the Month. If you wish to attend the next GAW please indicate by filling the form below or calling the Church office.
“Day after day, new men came to join David, and soon he had a large, powerful army.” (1 Chronicles 12:22 Contemporary English Version).
Some would argue that it is not necessary to have Church membership after all they are already members of the universal church of Jesus Christ. True, but we believe membership has tremendous benefits. Day by day, new men came to join David. They were already Israelites, what was the need to join themselves to another Israelite? Because of the vision! These days, many people go to church without any real sense of purpose. They participate in activities because they are supposed to, or because someone asked them to, but they don’t really know why they are involved. Most of them have never been given a compelling reason why the church should be a priority in their lives because they have not whole heartedly aligned themselves with the vision of the church personally and locally. God makes us a part of his larger family when we are born again. But then we should covenant in a local body and live in community with them, agreeing to live by certain established godly principles and standards.
“A sower went out to sow his seed: and as he sowed, some fell by the way side; and it was trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured it” (Luke 8:5). The seeds that fell by the way were devoured by the birds for a reason: they belonged to no one. A Christian that does not belong to a sheepfold can be likened to the seed that fell by the wayside. He or she is unaccounted for. Jesus Christ talking about the importance of the local assembly made reference to this when He said “And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice;” (John 10:16) Indicating that there were other sheepfolds. These different sheepfolds (local assemblies) make up the body of Christ all over the world. Belonging to a Church (local assembly) is for our protection.
Membership doesn’t save us. But it enables us to grow and become spiritually mature in Christ. Not only should we be members of the body, each of us should also be able to express the value of membership. Hopefully, then people will stop squirming when we bring up the topic, but instead passionately embrace the biblical nature of church membership.
The Member Care Ministry's vision is to help new visitors through the process of becoming members and eventually, leaders. The process is called “My Intentional Christian Life Journey”! These are steps for the new visitor, new member or anyone who has a heart and desire to grow stronger in their faith and who needs guidance with spiritual growth.
To Join us to take the world or Jesus
“It is God himself who has made us what we are and given us new lives from Christ Jesus; and long ages ago he planned that we should spend these lives in helping others.” (Ephesians 2:10 LB).
Every child of God has been called to service. So, God calls you to make an impact on the Earth. You were not born just to balance the eco system. You were designed to make a difference with your life. God wants you to give something back. The Bible says, “In our union with Christ Jesus he has created us for a life of good deeds, which he has already prepared for us to do” (Ephesians 2:10b TEV). These “good deeds” are your service to the world. Whenever you serve others in any way, you are actually serving God and fulfilling one of your purposes (Colossians 3:23-24; Matthew 25:34-45; Ephesians 6:7).
God intends for us to bless the world. We must be willing vessels to go where He is leading, even if the church does not “check all our boxes.” The worship experience, children’s ministry etc, do not have to be perfect for God to be leading you there. We believe that JCF is one of the Churches of the Lord Jesus Christ and represents an opportunity for you to establish like-minded family and join us for spreading the Gospel.
There are many ministry opportunities for service. We would be glad to assist you in doing that which the Lord has entrusted in your hands. Call the Church Office today and let’s do the work together.